May 2024 India Intercessor

Dear Friends,
You play a very important role as you cover India in prayer each and every day. At Mission India, we believe that prayer is the first work of missions, and you help us live that out. But the part of this work that encourages me the most is how the Holy Spirit works through every prayer.
Each update we receive from India is a reflection of how the Holy Spirit used your prayers to change someone’s heart. Boys and girls hear about Jesus in Children’s Bible Clubs, and it excites them so much that they run home, sharing everything they heard. Whole families receive salvation because of this. Meanwhile, Church Planters are given opportunities to pray over sick and hurting people, and in turn, they are miraculously healed—again leading people to Jesus. When illiterate men and women receive an education in Adult Literacy Classes, they learn that Jesus can give them life to the full.
In Acts 2, we see that on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was given to us—the gift that Jesus promised His disciples. And they knew that fulfilling the Great Commission was beyond their human strength. They needed the power of the Holy Spirit to work through them to accomplish what God had set before them. What an incredible example of how we, too, should live our lives.
Trusting that the Holy Spirit uses our prayers to impact a nation all the way across the world not only strengthens our faith but impacts lives eternally!
Thank you for your faithful prayers for India. The Holy Spirit is at work performing miracles, leading people to salvation, and changing whole communities because of friends like you!
Together, for India,
Todd VanEk
President & CEO of Mission India