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June 2024 India Intercessor

Dear Friends,

Our founder, John DeVries, strongly believed in the idea that God’s Word is the seed by which all life grows. And when watered by prayer and nourished by community, we see faith flourish. We still live out this truth today by equipping indigenous believers to establish a body of believers in every community of India.

What’s incredible about the Gospel is its ability to change a whole community. And Jesus came proclaiming and demonstrating just that! Imagine the impact on everyone around Him when Jesus performed a miracle. The same happens today—when we pray over someone, and then all of a sudden, our prayers are answered, it impacts not only your faith and mine, but the community around us.  

This reminds me of a story I heard from a Children’s Bible Club. A little boy asked his Bible Club leader if he could pray to Jesus to kill his abusive dad. Instead, the Bible Club leader invited the little boy to join him in praying for his dad to change. The little boy went home, and his mom began praying to Jesus, too. Eventually, his alcoholic dad was changed, and the whole community witnessed it—leading to even more people experiencing the transformative love of Christ.

As you pray this month, I encourage you to think about the power of your prayers. Just like this little boy’s story shows, your prayers impact the individual you’re praying for AND the whole community around them.

Together, for India,

Todd VanEk

President & CEO of Mission India

Click here to download prayers for June 2024.