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August 2024 India Intercessor

Dear Friends,

Have you ever desperately hoped for a miracle to happen in your own life? I know I have, and I think it’s a universal longing. In fact, every time I’m in India, I meet so many people hoping for the type of freedom only a miracle can bring. Many people earnestly seek witch doctors, idols, and other futile gods in hopes of a miracle—but they’re left exactly where they started. When they experience Jesus’ power for the very first time, their lives change forever! And your prayers help make these miracles possible.

One of my favorite ways to pray for miracles in India is by praying the “BLESS” prayer—a simple prayer our founder, John DeVries, inspired us to use. The concept comes from Matthew 8, where Jesus heals the leper.

When Jesus heals the leper, He addresses the man’s Body, Labor, Emotional, Social, and Spiritual needs:

Body – Jesus heals him physically

Labor – His physical healing allows him to work again

Emotional – He is restored emotionally because he is no longer bullied

Social – He is no longer an outcast, which allows him to make friends

Spiritual – He understands Christ’s love

We can pray for the Holy Spirit to work miracles in India using this same prayer:

B – For bodies to be healed, healthy, and strong

L – For provision and effectiveness in their work

E – For mental and emotional well-being

S – For strong relationships with family and community

S – For deliverance from spiritual oppression and lives surrendered to Christ

Will you join me in praying a BLESSing over India’s people, asking that the Holy Spirit will move in miraculous ways?

Together, for India,


Todd VanEk

President & CEO of Mission India

Click here to download prayers for August 2024.