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A Path to Salvation

Tivaan had a poor view of other religions—not just Christianity, but any that defied the laws and customs of his cultural faith. Tivaan’s devotion to his gods and goddesses was so prominent in his life that he began to neglect his family’s needs.

At the end of Tivaan’s workday as a carpenter, he wasted money on a bad drinking habit instead of spending it on food or his children’s schooling. He’d go from drinking and using foul language with friends to drunkenly entering his home, where he’d speak cruel words to his wife.

This way of life soon weighed heavily on Tivaan’s spirit. He knew he was failing as a father and a husband. And even though he was devoted to his religion, the gods and goddesses he worshipped did not offer him the map to a better life.

Tivaan was lost.

Near Tivaan’s house, a Church Planter, Amarbir, was conducting a church service. One day, as Tivaan was traveling on the road, he heard Amarbir sharing a story about a man named Zacchaeus. Tivaan loved a good story, and Amarbir’s enthusiasm drew him in to listen more closely. As Amarbir shared more stories, Tivaan was intrigued by the character of Jesus.

After the meeting, Tivaan stayed to pick Amarbir’s brain. Amarbir ended up sharing his own story about how Jesus changed his life, giving him a sense of purpose and direction in knowing the truth of the Gospel.

Amarbir’s faith shook Tivaan to the core. He yearned for such peace—for such a simple conviction of knowledge. A conviction that could lead him to a better life.

Tivaan continued to meet with Amarbir and his congregation in the following weeks. Not only was he fascinated by the stories and teachings of Jesus, but Tivaan could not believe the dedication and fellowship of the congregation, especially in their prayers for the sick and needy. Each meeting left Tivaan with more to think about and wrestle with.

Finally, at one providential worship service, Tivaan heard the Great Commission from Matthew 28, along with God’s story of redemption through John 3:16. Tivaan realized every moment of his life, the wandering path he took, had led him to this point—the point when he would receive salvation.

Amarbir witnessed Tivaan muttering words of thanksgiving, trying to pray without knowing exactly how. He knew his new friend felt the immense joy and peace of knowing Christ. Together, they knelt and praised God for His sacrificial love.

Today, Tivaan is a regular church attendee who loves to welcome fellow believers into his home. His heart breaks to see people live without the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, including his own family. Will you pray with him and us that the Holy Spirit will open their eyes and reveal the true path to peace and everlasting joy?

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