Sunya Gains Skills and New Opportunities

Sunya grew up in a family, like so many, that worked tirelessly just to get by. The goal each day was survival. Because of this, Sunya never had the opportunity to go to school. Not having an education made even the simplest tasks in life more difficult.
Sunya, her husband, and two children live with her in-laws. The stress of life took its toll on their marriage and Sunya’s husband turned to alcohol to cope. Sunya was often forced to borrow money to provide the basics for her family, which only added to her burdens.
Furthermore, Sunya was never taught the importance of good hygiene or how to prevent illness. This led to her suffering from various health issues. Being illiterate also impacted Sunya’s ability to manage the family’s finances well. Even with all these challenges, Sunya maintained a positive attitude and was determined to find a way to make things better for her and her family.
Fortunately, the turning point in Sunya’s life was when she began attending an Adult Literacy Class in her area. This opportunity opened doors for her that she never thought would be possible! Not only did she learn to read and write, but she gained many essential life skills.
Through a special training offered in the literacy class, Sunya learned about health and hygiene and how to grow a garden to provide more nutritious food for her family. She now grows a variety of vegetables, using her kitchen waste as fertilizer.
Sunya also learned how to manage her money better and was able to break free from the cycle of borrowing and paying interest. She opened a savings account at the bank and began setting aside a portion of her earnings regularly. Being able to save gave Sunya more confidence as she now has money for unexpected expenses when they arise.
Sunya has many new practical skills that will help her generate additional income and manage her resources more effectively. She is able to look for other job opportunities beyond working in the fields. Sunya is amazed at the wealth of information she can now access through newspapers, signs, and printed materials on government services. She is so grateful that she has the skills to navigate life’s challenges because of what she learned in the literacy class.
As Sunya hears more about Jesus, and His teachings, she is searching for truth and trying to understand what she is learning from the Bible. Please pray that Sunya will come to know Jesus as her Lord and Savior before she completes the class. Also, pray that her husband would be delivered from his addiction to alcohol.