#MondayMotivation from Ani

Happy Monday! Ready to kick off an awesome week?
Of course!
Great. We’ve got some #MondayMotivation to make the start of your week even better.
Backstory: This month at Mission India, we’re focused on India’s children and the work God is doing to lead them to Him. So today, we’re sharing a special testimony to inspire you! It’s from a 27-year-old woman named Ani who is serving Christ as a Children’s Bible Club leader in Nagaland, a state in eastern India that borders Myanmar. She’s dedicated to demonstrating and proclaiming the love of Jesus to the area’s young boys and girls!
So… you could consider her a “Difference Maker”?
Nailed it. Check out her testimony below to see how God’s love changed her heart and led her down a path of leadership!
I get this privilege to share my testimony.
As I was brought up by a stepmother, I had hatred towards her and started to distance myself from society and from my family.
I have never known a parent’s love and began to go astray. But when I decided to go to another city and started to work at someone’s house

there, I learned about the love of God and how to love people thanks to the owner of the house I was staying and working in.
I encountered Christ in April 2011. From then on, God turned me to be a loving person, to love the people who are in need, and He turned me from hatred to love.
That’s how my life was changed, and I got involved in different activities and ministries. Through this, I realized God’s work and love.
I am very much happy for getting this opportunity to work among the children, and I hope and pray that as I work, I will learn a lot of things. This is my prayer. May God Bless us all and expand His Kingdom through this ministry. Amen. Thank You.
Ani has been convicted by the love of Christ, and we’re so grateful that, in turn, she’s sharing His love with others!
Take a look at the prayer prompts and challenges below to see how you can apply Ani’s sweet testimony in your own life.
- Pray for Ani as she disciples the boys and girls attending the Bible Club she leads. Pray that she clearly explains the Gospel in a way that connects with the heart of each child listening.
- Pray that God prompts more believers like Ani to become Difference Makers in the lives of India’s children.
- Pray for the children in your own life, whether they’re family, neighbors, or boys and girls in your church. Ask God to grow them spiritually and use them mightily for His Kingdom!
- Think about your own testimony of experiencing God’s love. How has His love compelled you to serve the Kingdom? Reflect on this and talk it over with a friend.
- Support leaders like Ani in sharing the Gospel by giving a gift toward our 10-Day Children’s Bible Club matching challenge! Every gift is being doubled, so for a limited time, $1 allows 2 children to attend a 10-Day Bible Club, where they’ll hear about the love of Christ—many for the first time in their lives. Learn more and give a gift here.