Kanushi Finds Peace After Unimaginable Pain

Kanushi’s story is one that would bring anyone to tears. Now in her fifties, Kanushi married young and gave birth to a daughter. This made her husband and in-laws very unhappy as they wanted a son. In India, it is very important to have male children as boys carry on the family’s legacy; however, girls are viewed as burdens since the family must pay a dowry for them to marry.
Kanushi’s in-laws began humiliating her and treating her cruelly. After the birth of her daughter, Kanushi was unable to conceive again which made her husband hate her. He was so angry that she wasn’t becoming pregnant that he began drinking heavily. Their relationship spiraled downward to the point that he often abused and beat Kanushi.
Completely broken and hopeless, Kanushi visited many temples and begged the priests to pray for her to get pregnant. She cried to her gods for help and spent much of their money worshipping them, but it was only one disappointment after another.
One day, Kanushi’s daughter, Pahi, attended church with some of their relatives. Pahi felt very peaceful there and she began praying that God would bless her with a brother. God responded and Kanushi became pregnant! Kanushi was terrified that she would have another daughter, but Pahi comforted her and said she was sure God would bless her with a son.
When Kanushi gave birth, it was a boy! The family celebrated, and Kanushi thought surely she would be happy now; however, her husband could not stop drinking, and it began taking a toll on his health.
Eventually, Kanushi’s husband died, and she took over his job so she could pay her daughter’s dowry. Then, when Kanushi’s son was just 22, he died of a drug overdose. Overcome with grief, Kanushi was inconsolable and suffered great depression from the loss of her son.
At her lowest point, God showed His love for Kanushi by bringing Church Planter Shiuli into her life. Shiuli met Kanushi and shared the Gospel with her. As Kanushi cried, Shiuli comforted her and encouraged her. After hearing Kanushi’s story, Shiuli, too, was filled with emotion, and the two women quickly bonded.
Shiuli visited Kanushi regularly and continued to share the Word of God. Kanushi believed she could never be comforted, but in time, God’s love began to change her… and she had peace in her heart. When Pahi met Shiuli, the three women had a great time together. Kanushi and Pahi have now received Jesus as their Savior and regularly attend church together. Kanushi says, “My son’s memories will never vanish from my life, but God has filled me with His peace.”
“My son’s memories will never vanish from my life, but God has filled me with His peace.”
– Kanushi
Praise God that He brings comfort in even the most heartbreaking situations. Pray that He will use Kanushi’s story as she desires to serve Him each day.