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Relieved From Stress, Worry, and Isolation

In a small village in northern India, Larifa and her husband, Ranak, lived a comfortable life until illness made it all come crashing down. When Larifa became seriously ill, she was rushed to the hospital in a critical state and the treatment was incredibly expensive.

After exhausting their finances, Ranak had to sell their house to pay for Larifa’s life-saving treatment. This left them in poverty. They had no savings, their children dropped out of school, and they had to move into a rental home. Unfortunately, Larifa struggled to tend to the family as she and Ranak worked together trying to provide for their children. Things only seemed to get worse when they couldn’t supply quality food, and the children began falling sick often.

Larifa was overwhelmed with the stress of it all and became angry. She often fought with neighbors, used foul language, beat her children, and withheld food from her mother-in-law. Ranak became frustrated with Larifa because of these awful habits.

After noticing that everyone distanced themselves from her, Larifa was worried and decided to change her life. She pleaded with Ranak to help her. After listening to her, Ranak encouraged his wife and told her he’d help in every way possible—however, it was up to her to build good relationships.

Everything began to look up when Ranak met the local Adult Literacy teacher. After hearing about the opportunity for education, Ranak hurried home to tell his wife about how her life could change! Ranak encouraged Larifa to join the class, and she jumped at the chance to learn.

Larifa loved going to the Literacy Class because she was able to gain new knowledge in areas like reading, writing, and simple math. But the most profound change came a few months into the class, as she learned about Christ-like behavior and was discipled by the caring teacher. Larifa started to talk politely with other people and stopped fighting with others. She also began taking care of her children and her mother-in-law.

Eventually, Larifa understood the value of education and quickly re-enrolled her children in school!

When talking about her experience, Larifa shared, “I was greatly worried that I was getting isolated from the rest of the people, but the timely Literacy Class changed everything. This rolled away all my worries as I could make new friends in the Literacy Class and share my feelings.”

“I was greatly worried that I was getting isolated from the rest of the people, but the timely Literacy Class changed everything. This rolled away all my worries as I could make new friends in the Literacy Class and share my feelings.”

Praise God for turning Larifa’s life around! While Larifa heard the Gospel in the Literacy Class, she still hasn’t received Him as Savior. Will you pray that Larifa responds to the Good News?