Konika: Grief-stricken Until She Finds Jesus

Konika’s parents made the decision to follow Jesus while she was still living at home, leaving the customary beliefs of their culture behind. Despite their efforts to share the Good News about Jesus with Konika, she remained firmly attached to her gods and had no interest in learning about God’s true love and grace. She resented her parents whenever they raised the subject.
In time, Konika married a man who shared her religious beliefs, and the couple lived with her mother-in-law, where they all practiced rituals together and paid homage to their idols. Soon, Konika learned she was pregnant, and the family was overjoyed.
Konika’s joy ended when her first child died within a few days of being born. Then, after the birth and tragic death of their second child, Konika’s husband abandoned her, leaving her totally alone as she tried to survive the overwhelming grief she was experiencing. Since her parents had both passed away, Konika found herself with no one to turn to for comfort or support.
On several occasions a few local pastors visited Konika to try to help and encourage her; however, she harbored great anger toward everyone and pushed them away. As she was trying to figure out how to support herself, she saw the hardships local prostitutes endured, and despite many advances from men, she held on to her dignity and refused to support herself in that manner. Her only option was to become a daily laborer, with harsh conditions, unreliable income, and low wages.
In the depths of her pain and grief, Konika met Merrisa, the wife of a Mission India Church Planter. She befriended Konika and slowly gained her trust. Merrisa helped Konika understand that God would be there for her, even in the most challenging situations. Merrisa offered prayers, love, and support, creating a safe place for Konika to express her feelings.
Through the consistent love and care she received from Merrisa, Konika found she could no longer deny the loving presence of the one true God. She received Jesus as her personal Savior and began worshipping alongside Merrisa and her husband each Sunday. Konika soon became part of a community of believers who supported and encouraged her. She now understands why her parents wanted her to experience the grace and salvation they had received many years earlier.
Please pray for Konika as she continues on her spiritual journey. Pray that she grows deeper in her faith and will be a living testimony of God’s love for others.