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Jesus Met Banita in the Valley

Do you ever find yourself praying less often when your life is running smoothly?

It’s natural to cry out to God for help when bills are piling up, a friendship is on the rocks, or somehow (even though it’s summer) your family has yet another cold.

It’s easy to feel our need for God when we’re in a metaphorical valley (think of Psalm 23), but when we’re on a mountaintop, it’s easier to forget about Him and feel like we can do life on our own.

The truth is, though, that whether we’re on a mountaintop or in a valley, our need for a Savior is a constant. Sadly, there are millions of people in India who have no idea they need a Savior. Banita used to be one of them.

Banita’s life had been one continuous mountaintop experience. Her family was wealthy and respected, and their home was full of love. Banita enjoyed working as a doctor and she, along with her husband and two children, was devoted to her gods. Frankly, life seemed pretty much perfect.

Until Banita lost it all.

For some unexplained reason, Banita’s in-laws attacked her, both spiritually and financially. Her mother-in-law used witchcraft to oppress her and manipulated her out of her own wealth and property. Banita went from happy and wealthy to poor and depressed. She turned to her gods for help, praying constantly for relief from her difficulties. Yet they were silent.

Months later, Banita met a woman named Gomya, who was a Christian and a Church Planter. Gomya listened to Banita’s heartbreaking story and then shared the hope of Jesus with her. When Banita learned that Jesus loves her no matter what, and she could not earn His affection with rituals or sacrifices, something lit up inside her.

Banita began exploring the Bible with Gomya and learned how to pray. She soon received salvation and was freed from the depression caused by her mother-in-law’s witchcraft!

Praise God that Banita’s valley experience led her to faith in Jesus. Isn’t it wonderful to know that God loves us and wants to be with us no matter what our life circumstances are?


  • If you’ve recently neglected God during good times, spend some time talking with Him about it now.
  • Pray for the believers in India who are in a valley due to the persecution they face for their faith. Pray that God will help them endure their circumstances.

Take Action

  • Write down three things you’re grateful for today, and then thank God for them!
  • Send an encouraging text to someone you know is experiencing a hard time.