How to Cope When Life Feels Out of Your Control

How much control do you feel like you have over your daily circumstances?
Everyone’s temperament is different and some people desire more control than others. In fact, psychological research has shown that, as humans, we have a basic need for control. So how do we cope when we feel like so much—whether it be in our families, our bodies, or our world—is beyond our control? Ridah’s story can help us with this difficult task.
Ridah grew up in western India in a family and community where she had little to no control over her own life. Her village still followed very old traditions which taught that a girl’s place was only in the home. Ridah was never allowed to attend school or even play with other children in her neighborhood. At just 12 years old, she was married to her husband Rohan and moved into his family home. Within a few years, Ridah also became a mother.
Let’s take a moment to let that sink in.
Ridah continued in her life as a wife and mother, but every day was a struggle. Rohan barely made enough money for them to get by, let alone pay for emergencies like doctor’s visits or home repairs. Ridah longed to help make their life better, but she couldn’t even count out correct change at the market, let alone earn income.
Everything changed when Ridah discovered an Adult Literacy Class starting nearby. Finally, she had a chance to take some control of her own life! Rohan had little faith that Ridah would learn anything useful, but he agreed to let her attend.
Ridah thrived in the Literacy Class! Although it took diligence and hard work, she learned to read, write basic words, and do everyday calculations. Ridah’s confidence grew and she felt pride in her new abilities, but something was still missing.
Thanks to the Bible-based lessons, Ridah had learned all about the love of Christ. For months, she had written it all off, but one day it clicked. Ridah realized that, although so much of her life was beyond her control, by placing her faith in Christ, she could entrust her future to Him.
Ridah told our ministry partners that her favorite Bible verse is Matthew 1:21, in which the angel speaking to Joseph tells him, “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
That’s a bit of an odd verse to relate to, isn’t it?
Perhaps not, for a girl who was married as a pre-teen and became a mom before she was 16. Ridah was a poor teen mom with difficult circumstances thrust upon her—just like Mary. Yet, just as Mary found purpose in being the mother of Jesus, Ridah found purpose and peace through having a relationship with Jesus. Here’s the good news—great news, actually! That same peace and purpose is available to all who follow Jesus, even when the circumstances of your life feel beyond your control. All you must do is ask God.
- Thank Jesus for His gift of peace.
- Ask God to reveal where you need to release control and trust Him to provide.
Take Action
- Share with someone else how Jesus has given you purpose.
- Help other women like Ridah find peace and purpose—click here to support an Adult Literacy Class.