God changed Rijja’s whole family!
No matter the challenges you’re facing right now, God can use them to prepare you for Kingdom impact. Rijja, a young girl in India, faced many hurdles in life—but God had big plans for her!
Before Rijja was even born, her life was filled with challenges. Her mother worked as a dancer in bars—this wasn’t her first choice at a job, but it seemed to be her only option. Unfortunately, a bar customer once took advantage of Rijja’s mother, who conceived. This is how Rijja was brought into the world. To this day, Rijja still has no idea who her father is.
Over the years, while Rijja’s mother was working, Rijja’s grandmother cared for her. Sadly, she wasn’t able to keep Rijja from feeling insecure. Rijja also feared the drunkards that gathered outside her home each night, and she cried out to the gods of her culture to keep her safe.
To make matters even worse, Rijja’s family lived in a thatched hut, and they were often chased away by the landowners. Despite Rijja’s home being illegally built, her family always returned after a few days because they had no other option.
Due to the many hardships Rijja faced, she struggled to connect with others. She did poorly in school and would cry herself to sleep, pleading with her gods to show her a way out of her situation.
Hope finally came when a local Christian started a Children’s Bible Club in Rijja’s village. After Rijja joined, she was constantly encouraged and motivated to look to the future with hope. The support she received made a significant difference in her life.
Rijja also heard Bible stories at the Bible Club, leading her to Jesus. Eventually, she received salvation!
She took her newfound joy home, sharing the Gospel with both her mother and her grandmother. They, too, began to seek Jesus. Praise God for leading this whole family to salvation through a Bible Club!
Isn’t it amazing what God can do—even through a young child—when we place our trust in Him?! Who might God be calling you to reach with the Good News?
– Pray that Rijja’s mother can leave her job and find a well-providing career elsewhere.
– Pray that God would open doors in your own life to share Christ, even through hardships you may face.
Take Action
– Spend 5-10 minutes in prayer each day this week, praying over someone God wants you to reach with the Gospel.
– Bring the hope of Christ to more children like Rijja through our Biggest Ever Matching Challenge! Now through December 31, each dollar given toward 10-Day Children’s Bible Clubs will be matched up to $1 million. Normally $1 reaches one child with the Gospel, but right now, it will reach two! Give a matched gift today!