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Dealing with Grief and Loss

Valyushi - a mom with newfound confidence

Loss and grief were Valyushi’s constant companions. When she was just 15, her father died of cancer. Valyushi’s mother did her best to provide for her eight children alone, but within five years, she also passed away. As the oldest of the eight children, Valyushi took on the responsibility of raising her siblings. Since she was uneducated and couldn’t make a good income, they struggled to survive.

Years passed and all eight of Valyushi’s siblings grew up and got married. Then, Valyushi also found love, got married, and had a son. Finally, she hoped to have a happier life.

Tragically, after just four years of marriage, Valyushi’s husband died, leaving her to raise their son alone. Valyushi carried on yet again, taking over her husband’s rolling snack cart business and doing her best to provide and care for her son.

Maybe you can relate to Valyushi’s experience of back-to-back loss. Or perhaps you’ve sacrificed your own dreams to care for your family. What was it, in your experience, that led you to a season of hope?

One day, a simple moment in Valyushi’s everyday life changed her whole outlook and aspirations in life. During parent-teacher conferences, Valyushi had to use her thumbprint since she couldn’t sign her name, and she felt humiliated. That very day, Valyushi decided to finally do something for herself—she was going to learn how to read and write!

Valyushi bought a book, but it sat unused until she met Jaiti, who was inviting people to join an Adult Literacy Class she was starting. Valyushi began attending and worked hard to learn each lesson. As she learned to read, write, and do basic math, her confidence grew immensely. Valyushi soaked in everything she could learn and even attended several special trainings.

Through a health education training, Valyushi learned that she had some unhealthy habits. When she used her new knowledge to improve her cleanliness and food choices, she noticed that she and her son got sick less often!

Perhaps the greatest practical impact came through an entrepreneurship training. Valyushi learned ways to better market her products, such as making the snacks visually appealing and offering a more diverse selection. Her business began growing exponentially, and she was able to pay off her debts and even save for the future! Now, when Valyushi attends her son’s parent-teacher meetings, she signs her name with confidence. Even better, Valyushi finally found purpose and joy. Thanks to the Bible-based lessons and Jaiti’s faithful mentorship, Valyushi received salvation! Reflecting on her life, Valyushi says that she sees God’s hand in all of it, even the hardship and losses. She is grateful for the gift of faith in Christ and hopes to share His light with many others.

Click here to give hope to another struggling adult like Valyushi.