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Are You Compelled to Encourage Like Gazal?

As Christ’s followers, we are called to share His love and truth with everyone we meet. Pair that with women being great encouragers, and we should be compelled to share with others our journey with Jesus. Gazal, a woman in India, set an excellent example of what this looks like.

Gazal had heard of Jesus, but she didn’t believe in Him until friends like you brought an Adult Literacy Class to her neighborhood. When Gazal found out that she could learn to read and write in the Literacy Class, she quickly jumped at the opportunity—hopeful that her difficulties would vanish as a result.

When Gazal joined the class, the Christian teacher discipled and prayed for her, all while teaching practical life skills, like how to take better care of her health and save money to avoid debt. Gazal didn’t just keep this new knowledge to herself; she took it home and shared it with her family.

Gazal helped her husband understand health and encouraged her children to study more. Beyond her new education, Gazal shared the love of Jesus with her family and prayed for them.

Today, Gazal’s children are very confident about their futures, and the family is all walking with the Lord.

Isn’t Gazal’s story inspiring? By simply sharing what she was learning with her family, they all experienced life change—including salvation!

How might this idea of sharing—or encouragement—lead you to reach your family or friends who don’t follow Jesus?  Is there someone you have in mind that you could intentionally reach out to in the next few days?


  • That God would give you a heart to encourage others, just like He did for Gazal.
  • That God would reveal who you can share His love with.

Take Action

  • Reach out to one person over the next week to share Christ’s love with them.
  • Provide the opportunity for more men and women in India, like Gazal, to attend Adult Literacy Classes by giving a gift here.