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October 2024 India Intercessor

Dear Friends,

I’m not sure about you, but the idea of being beaten, mocked, jailed, or killed for my faith can seem distant and unfamiliar. Yet it’s something Christians in India face daily for believing in Jesus. It seems we get an update from our partners in India almost daily about another Christian met with opposition.

Open Doors ranks India number 11 on its World Watch List, the annual ranking of the countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution. In each of our programs, we see the reason for India’s high rank: Children’s Bible Clubs and Adult Literacy Classes are halted by villagers, churches are burned to the ground, and believers are expelled from their communities. What’s incredible is that India’s Christians choose to keep following Jesus despite all of this—they believe He is worth it!

But for those of us who worship God freely, what does this mean for us? How can we stand with India’s persecuted Church?

At Mission India, we believe the first work of missions is prayer, and I want to invite you to pray for all the believers who face hardship because of their faith in Jesus.

Your faithful prayers for our brothers and sisters in India reminds me of Ephesians 6:18, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” No matter what they may face, knowing that you are interceding on their behalf brings hope to believers in India.

You are such a great encouragement to Christians in India. Thank you for joining me in prayer for the many believers facing opposition.

Together, for India,

Todd VanEk

President & CEO of Mission India

Click here to download prayers for October 2024.