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God is With Us Always!

Her whole world was changed after attending an Adult Literacy Class. Yara now knows she is not alone — she has a mighty God who will journey with her for the rest of her life!

When one of our leaders, Chahel, delivered a Relief Kit to Yara’s home during the pandemic, she immediately recognized the distress and pain in the household.

Yara, a widow, suffered from Cystic Fibrosis. Even though her pain was great, she cared for her elder sister, a diabetic with many health problems. Their income was dependent on two milk cows and a government widow pension. They lived in a temporary shelter on government land.

Chahel began to regularly visit the sisters, to offer encouragement and support. She knew if she could gain trust and build a relationship with Yara, the Lord could use her to help transform Yara’s life!

She invited Yara to join the local Adult Literacy Class. Yara agreed to come, though she never showed up. But Chahel didn’t give up.

Yara later expressed to Chahel that she was exhausted after feeding cattle, making it difficult to consider coming to class. This gave Chahel an open-door opportunity to give Yara some guidance on how to form healthy habits that would give her energy throughout the day. The bond between the women was strengthened, and Chahel, once again, encouraged Yara to come to the Adult Literacy Class.

So, Yara came the next day … and many following! The other students welcomed her warmly, which motivated her to return and pour herself into the curriculum and learning.

Every day she took home a new, life-changing piece of knowledge. Moral values, ethics, small calculations, cleanliness, good health, hygiene, and saving money.

Unbeknownst to Yara, the group of believers was praying for her salvation while she was busy learning.

Over time, through Scripture, Yara realized the pain she experienced in life had meaning.

As Yara heard more stories, the Holy Spirit helped her to understand the love of God. She received Christ as her Savior. Her sister was also healed!

As Yara grew in her faith, she desired to be able to read the Bible by herself someday. And at the end of the Adult Literacy Class, she was finally able to read.

Thank you for empowering this beautiful transformation through your prayers and giving!