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Adult Literacy Classes

Honored, Respected, and Educated

At nearly 50 years old, Kushali had known nothing other than a constant struggle for survival. As a child, she had only attended school for a few years before poverty…

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Church Planter Training

A Marriage Restored

Goral and his wife, Muniza, conducted their lives according to their own desires. Following their own path, however, would lead to the destruction of their marriage. When Goral learned that…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Healing in Body, Mind, and Spirit

When Ramini started attending Adult Literacy Classes, she was looking for a small reprieve and distraction from the daily migraines she suffered. What she didn’t expect was to receive healing…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Discipleship Changed Dilpreet’s Whole Life!

Dilpreet was a third grader who developed a reputation for his negligent attitude toward school. He often showed up late or skipped school altogether, which raised concerns within his family.…

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