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The Difference Maker Devotional

Discipleship Through the Eyes of Naomi & Ruth

Discipleship is defined as “the condition or situation of being a disciple, a follower, or a student of some philosophy, especially a follower of Christ.” Discipleship is important to us…

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From Our Staff

May 2023 India Intercessor

Dear Friends, As you may know, I recently went to India to visit some of our ministry partners there. I had the opportunity to experience a Bible Club in person…

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Church Planter Training

Rabail Gives Her Emotional Baggage to Jesus

Rabail’s childhood was shaped by her religious mother’s simplicity and the abuse of her alcoholic father. She was never allowed to express her feelings, including anger, and was taught to…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Kuvira Loses Stress After Reconnecting with Jesus

Now in her early forties, Kuvira lives in a small village with her husband who works as a farmer. The couple has four daughters, two of which are married. Kuvira…

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