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The Difference Maker Devotional

How to Start a Movement of Prayer

Have you ever changed your mind about something? Maybe a wise professor encouraged you to change majors halfway through college. Maybe you were annoyed by a coworker, but after a…

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The Difference Maker Devotional

How to Rediscover Your Excitement for God

If you’ve known Jesus for many years, it can be easy to forget how exciting the Gospel really is. Anything that’s familiar is at risk of feeling ordinary—you may find…

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From Our Staff

August 2022 India Intercessor

Dear Friends, It is such a powerful thing to meet with fellow believers and pray together as a group. I have been blessed personally by meeting with prayer warriors who…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Pavana Becomes an Educated Businesswoman

Pavana lives in a slum outside of a village. The women there face much discrimination and are told they belong at home doing housework. Most parents discourage their daughters from…

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