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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

You Helped a Child’s Mom Out of Prostitution! 

Aban’s widowed mom, Kenisha, faced such significant financial issues that she went door-to-door begging and often endured periods of hunger. She tried working as a maid for a while, but…

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10-Day Children’s Bible Clubs

How 10 Days Changed a Family Forever

Koshala was born into a poor, religious family that sought solace from their gods during difficult times. But when the gods couldn’t help, Koshala’s father, Faizulah, turned to alcohol and…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Blind, Alone, but Not Forgotten

Growing up, Munir hated Christians for no reason. When he saw pastors preaching in his village, he would beat them, tear their clothes, and stomp on their Bibles. But at…

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Church Planter Training

Salvation for a Gospel Opposer

When Sudiv’s older sister decided to follow Jesus, the family erupted. Sudiv’s parents threatened to cut her off from the family, and 25-year-old Sudiv followed their lead—criticizing his sister for…

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