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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Brisha Ran Away from Home —but God Had a Plan

Why are Bible Clubs so important? Because of children like Brisha. This 13-year-old struggled in school, quarreled with classmates, and was disrespectful of her teachers. She lacked discipline, lied, and…

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The Difference Maker Devotional

Arjita Changed Through Scripture

Throughout all of history, we see God’s Word changing the hearts and minds of everyone it reaches. And we have the privilege of seeing that play out firsthand through God’s…

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From Our Staff

Mission India’s Foundation of Scripture

Equipping believers in India with the Word of God has been the heartbeat of Mission India from the very beginning. As some of you may remember, when John DeVries first…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Modaki: Children’s Prayers Heal a Father

Modaki is currently in the ninth grade, and she is the oldest of three children. Since her family is very poor, they live with her grandparents. Both of Modaki’s parents work…

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