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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Rupin: Boy’s Prayers Lead to Great Change!

The youngest of three children, Rupin often witnessed the pain and abuse his mother, sister, and brother endured at the hands of his alcoholic father, Daksh. Daksh worked as a…

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From Our Staff

March 2024 India Intercessor

Dear Friends, As Easter quickly approaches, I find myself thinking about how prayer was woven throughout Jesus’ time here on earth. He was in close communication with God, all the…

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10-Day Children’s Bible Clubs

You Showed a Rejected Child Her Worth

Jamia was a reserved little girl who was set apart in her community because of her eyes, which were shaped differently than anyone else’s. Many of Jamia’s peers and relatives…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Meet a Bible Club Leader You Trained!

What took place in your life between the ages of 4 and 14? Probably a lot! As it turns out, this age range is critical for children in terms of…

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