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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Manohari’s Prayers Lead to Positive Change

Manohari’s family worshipped the deities their ancestors followed, strictly adhering to all the traditions and rituals to please their gods. They were very superstitious and never questioned their practices. Manohari…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Nikhalas Trades Alcohol for Jesus

Nikhalas’s community is known for its snake charmers. In fact, his father, Dhiren, is one of the snake catchers in their village. Another thing the area is known for is…

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Church Planter Training

Freedom Comes for Addicted Sunchit

Sunchit was born and brought up worshipping the gods of his community. He is 32 years old and works as a part-time musician. A few years ago, his father died…

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Church Planter Training

Dhairya and Wife Reconnect with Jesus!

Growing up, Dhairya’s family had knowledge of Jesus, but they chose to follow the religion of their culture. Wanting to fit in with his friends, Dhairya walked on pilgrimages, sacrificed…

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