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From Our Staff

June 2022 India Intercessor

Dear Friends, When I was a kid, my mom and dad were really big on having my brother and I memorize Scripture. They paid us 10 cents for every verse…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Adult Literacy Class Heals Badi’s Marriage

Badi was raised by hard-working parents who spent their days farming to provide for the family. But many of India’s farmers don’t make much money, so Badi’s parents couldn’t afford…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

A New Beginning for Agarvin

When Agarvin was young, his father passed away from a mysterious illness. This meant his mother, who was previously a stay-at-home mom, had to find a job to support the…

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Church Planter Training

A Living Nightmare Becomes Great Victory

Imagine if your child came home one day an entirely different person. That’s exactly what happened to the parents of Adesh, a teenage boy from a small village in northern…

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