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Adult Literacy Classes

What would you give to be changed by Christ?

Remember the Bible story in John 4 when Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a countryside well? After she meets Jesus, her life is changed. It’s a catalytic moment for…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Sesha Goes “All In” with Jesus

Sesha grew up poor, with one sister and one brother who she spent most of her time with. Her father worked as a garbage collector and her mother managed the…

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Church Planter Training

An Accident Draws Kadija to Jesus

Kadija and her husband had a good life. They raised four children who are all happily married and employed today. Everything was going well for the couple until Kadija slipped…

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Church Planter Training

Darman: Infertility Leads to Life Change

Dousik is a Church Planter who regularly shares his faith with his family, including his cousin, Darman. For a while, Darman ignored God’s Word and continued with the lifestyle he…

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