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Adult Literacy Classes

Rida: Impoverished Girl Becomes Worship Leader

Rida’s father died when she was just 10 years old, and she and her siblings were forced to help their mother earn income as daily laborers. Rida worked hard from…

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Adult Literacy Classes

From Tricked to Triumphant

Suvya, her husband Balay, and their son Daib lived a quiet life in a farming village. Balay worked hard to cultivate their crops, and he usually had an impressive rice…

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Report From the Field: Cyclone Michaung

The year 2023 ended in tragedy for families across south India who experienced great loss. Sadly, throughout the month of December, Cyclone Michaung, followed by additional flooding, affected several states…

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From Our Staff

February 2024 India Intercessor

Dear Friends, Growing up, my parents instilled the importance of God’s Word in me. As a child, they would pay me 10 cents for every verse I memorized. While I…

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