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Adult Literacy Classes

Blind, Alone, but Not Forgotten

Growing up, Munir hated Christians for no reason. When he saw pastors preaching in his village, he would beat them, tear their clothes, and stomp on their Bibles. But at…

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Church Planter Training

Jaah Trades Pain for Peace

Jaah and his wife worshipped their family god, offering sacrifices twice a year for protection, prosperity, and health. However, Jaah’s devotion waned as he experienced long-term sickness and pain that…

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Church Planter Training

Salvation for a Gospel Opposer

When Sudiv’s older sister decided to follow Jesus, the family erupted. Sudiv’s parents threatened to cut her off from the family, and 25-year-old Sudiv followed their lead—criticizing his sister for…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

A Rebellious Boy Finds Freedom

Atin struggled to focus in school and the work never came easy to him. He managed to get by until he was 12 and the subjects got more complex. Then…

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