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Adult Literacy Classes

Healing in Body, Mind, and Spirit

When Ramini started attending Adult Literacy Classes, she was looking for a small reprieve and distraction from the daily migraines she suffered. What she didn’t expect was to receive healing…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Discipleship Changed Dilpreet’s Whole Life!

Dilpreet was a third grader who developed a reputation for his negligent attitude toward school. He often showed up late or skipped school altogether, which raised concerns within his family.…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

From Begging to Believing

Deeraj lives in a rural village where people farm to survive. He lives with his recently widowed mother and three siblings. When he was younger, Deeraj would only go to…

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Adult Literacy Classes

A Defeated Woman Discovers True Confidence

Soraya’s life felt like a series of struggles and discouragements. She and her husband Bagira had two sons and lived with Bagira’s parents. Everything Soraya did was under her in-laws’…

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