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Adult Literacy Classes

Naziha Overcomes Shyness to Learn

Naziha is married with two grown children, and her family and community practice animism. Most locals work as farmers, harvesting vegetables from a nearby jungle. While they generally have enough food to eat, the majority of villagers are illiterate and have no reliable income. Habiba,…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Devotional: Mistreated? Misunderstood?

If you read the most recent Difference Maker Devotional, you know some of the terrible ways young girls in India experience discrimination, and how it continues into their adulthood. Well…

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Church Planter Training

How God Softened Baneet’s Heart

There is no one too far from God. In fact, we often hear stories about how God pursues people who seem to be most resistant to His love! That’s exactly…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Riyan: A Dreamer Comes to Faith

Riyan has always been a dreamer. He is the youngest of four children, and he grew up imagining all the things he wanted to do and the places he wanted…

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