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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Discipleship Changed Dilpreet’s Whole Life!

Dilpreet was a third grader who developed a reputation for his negligent attitude toward school. He often showed up late or skipped school altogether, which raised concerns within his family.…

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The Difference Maker Devotional

Punitha’s Journey from Student to Church Planter

Have you ever stopped to think about the ripple effect of your leadership? The way you lead raises up disciples who make disciples! Punitha’s story is a great example of…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Once Reckless, Makin Learns Self-Control

Makin is the youngest in his family. His parents follow Jesus, and even though they are quite poor, they have managed to send their children to school. Makin was not…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Introducing People to Jesus vs. Discipling

Let's talk about the awesome mission of introducing people to Jesus and growing their faith through discipleship. Gospel introduction and discipleship are both important, so as believers, how can we…

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