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10-Day Children’s Bible Clubs

Sahana’s Faith Takes Roots

The people of Sahana’s community follow a variety of faiths. Her parents follow Jesus; however, they are young in their faith, and because they are illiterate, they cannot read the…

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10-Day Children’s Bible Clubs

You Showed a Rejected Child Her Worth

Jamia was a reserved little girl who was set apart in her community because of her eyes, which were shaped differently than anyone else’s. Many of Jamia’s peers and relatives…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Brisha Ran Away from Home —but God Had a Plan

Why are Bible Clubs so important? Because of children like Brisha. This 13-year-old struggled in school, quarreled with classmates, and was disrespectful of her teachers. She lacked discipline, lied, and…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Blind, Alone, but Not Forgotten

Growing up, Munir hated Christians for no reason. When he saw pastors preaching in his village, he would beat them, tear their clothes, and stomp on their Bibles. But at…

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