

Stories & News

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

A Young Girl Meets the Prince of Peace

Madhukari and her family had very little joy or peace in their lives. Her father earned a tiny income working as a laborer. To make matters worse, he spent most…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Hani’s Testimony: Meet a Bible Club Leader!

When Hani shares the Gospel with unreached children in India through the Bible Club he leads, he understands where they’re coming from in a personal way. After years of worshipping…

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Church Planter Training

A Family in Conflict Finds Christ

Palkesh was one of six children in a home full of conflict. His mother died when he was a child, so his father, Jasvir, coped with the loss by drinking…

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Adult Literacy Classes

A Resourceful Mother Changes Course

Senada was well acquainted with struggle. Due to her family’s poverty, she was only able to study until second grade. Can you imagine being told as an eight-year-old that your…

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