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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Young Girl’s Faith Challenged by Neighbors

Sujani and her family live in a small village where locals are considered “untouchables,” meaning they are lower than the lowest in India’s caste system. Sujani’s parents were suppressed by…

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Church Planter Training

Sadiva Finds Hope and Meaning in Jesus

Like so many in his country, Sadiva grew up placing his faith in many gods and goddesses. He was taught to follow rituals and to worship his deities faithfully if he wanted to succeed in life. Sadiva followed…

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The Difference Maker Devotional

3 Steps to a Stronger Prayer Life

Pulse check: How’s your prayer life? If you don’t love your answer to this question, that’s ok! We’re here for the conversation, no matter where you’re at. See, we all…

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Adult Literacy Classes

The Power of Prayer in a Literacy Class

Many years ago, an otherwise average day at work became life-altering for Maha. She was out laboring on a farm when a coconut fell on her neck, causing horrible pain.…

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