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A Middle Child Finally Feels Seen
Manvi is a young girl who has two older sisters and two younger brothers. Her family is fortunate that her father has a well-paying job as a policeman. However, it…
Read MoreTaizeen’s Heart Softens in a Bible Club
It’s surprising to think that so much chaos can come from a boy in 8th grade, but that was the situation with Taizeen. He was disobedient to authority, rude to…
Read MoreChildren + the Gospel = THIS
In our last devotional together, we met a Difference Maker named Ani, who leads a Children’s Bible Club. We’re so grateful that Ani is empowering young boys and girls to…
Read MoreApril 2022 India Intercessor
Dear Friends, In the month of April, there are two initiatives going on at Mission India that I would greatly appreciate your prayers for: our 10-Day Children’s Bible Club matching…
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