Jagger is Delivered by Prayers to Jesus

At just 23 years old, Jagger’s life was a total mess. About a year earlier, Jagger was very happy, but almost instantly, he went from being an affectionate, easy-going young man to violent and fearful when he began suffering from what appeared to be demonic oppression.
Initially, Jagger’s family was skeptical that demons were targeting him, but after hearing Jagger scream and watching him roam the streets aimlessly, attacking people he passed by, they were dumbstruck. Jagger’s condition turned his family’s lives upside down, and they never had a peaceful moment.
Not knowing what to do for Jagger, his family became very discouraged. Jagger’s father had a good job and earned a decent income, but money could not help his son. Jagger’s mother pleaded with her gods to intervene and restore her son, but nothing helped.
The news of Jagger’s condition spread through the community, after which many of the neighbors began to offer advice, such as “send him to a faith healer,” “seek the advice of a medical professional,” or “go to the witch doctor,” but nothing and no one could deliver Jagger.
One day, Jagger’s family was told that they had seen followers of Jesus tackle such cases and that prayers to Jesus could heal their son. Initially, the family was very reluctant to ask for help since they had shunned the worshippers of Jesus in the past. But, given their current circumstances, they knew they had to set aside their pride as they couldn’t stand to watch their son suffer daily.
Finally, Jagger’s parents were forced to rethink their beliefs about Jesus, and they decided to approach their neighbor, who happened to be a Mission India Church Planter. They pleaded with her to pray for their son. The Church Planter prayed for Jagger to be released from his demonic oppression in the name of Jesus, and immediately, Jagger was healed!
Seeing Jagger delivered from his pain and torment, the family questioned the gods they had served so faithfully. They thanked God for opening their eyes to the truth and began to seek Jesus. The Church Planter visited the family regularly, and they quickly became friends. Previously, Jagger’s family was annoyed with the church in their community, and now they love to sit and hear sermons to help them learn more about Jesus.
In the days that followed, Jagger experienced God’s love revealed through the person of Jesus. He was touched and convicted by the Holy Spirit and surrendered his life to Jesus. The family has stopped worshipping their former gods, and Jagger’s parents are now open to the Gospel but haven’t fully committed their lives to Jesus. Please pray that God will bless Jagger as he is now studying in college. Pray that God will use him for His power and glory in Jagger’s community.