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Adult Literacy Classes

An Exhausted Mom becomes an Entrepreneur

Rajeshree felt trapped in the downward spiral of poverty. She and her husband, Madani, were illiterate members of a low social caste, so they could only get low-paying labor jobs.…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Nura Sees Blessings in All Areas of Her Life

Nura’s community is known for shoemaking; however, her father worked as a mason and her mother managed the home. Nura never had the opportunity to go to school as her…

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Adult Literacy Classes

From Financial Hardship to a Thriving Business

As a young child, Hiranmayi’s parents relied heavily on her to provide money to quench their alcohol addiction. And as time went on, she took on the responsibility of caring…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Hope Comes to a Family Through Education

Overwhelming poverty. Physical limitations. A lack of education. A husband addicted to alcohol. And a religion that led to false belief in silent gods. The odds were stacked against Hanita.…

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