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Adult Literacy Classes

Fullan: Her Signature Changes Her Life!

Fullan learned to farm when she was just a young child and has been working in the fields ever since. She and her husband, Hirak, worked hard to provide for…

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Adult Literacy Classes

A Widow’s New Business Changes Everything

When Parmila’s husband passed away, she was left to care for the family’s needs alone. They have a small piece of land, but unfortunately, they can only grow crops in…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Mariya Finds Meaning and Purpose in Jesus

Mariya grew up in a poor family that worshipped the gods of their culture. She never had the opportunity to go to school because of their cultural beliefs. This also…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Knowledge Brings Bright Futures

Life for Reena was hard. She is a young nominal Christian living a very simple life in a remote village on a makeshift relief camp. Her mother passed away years…

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