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Who is the Holy Spirit, anyway?
When you were a kid, did you ever picture what God might look like? Maybe you pictured an old, wise man with a beard. Or the long-haired Jesus from a…
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Jesus Turned Pampa’s Mourning into Joy
Pampa was torn apart as she watched her adult children endure deep grief. She and her husband, Komutti, had a daughter named Badiha and two sons named Vengai and Simra.…
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Honored, Respected, and Educated
At nearly 50 years old, Kushali had known nothing other than a constant struggle for survival. As a child, she had only attended school for a few years before poverty…
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A Marriage Restored
Goral and his wife, Muniza, conducted their lives according to their own desires. Following their own path, however, would lead to the destruction of their marriage. When Goral learned that…
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