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Adult Literacy Classes

Gira Gains Education and Opportunity

Gira was the daughter of poor farmers in a small village. Her parents were hard workers, but money was always tight. Even if there had been enough money to educate…

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From Our Staff

February 2022 India Intercessor

Dear Friends, I am so grateful that you choose to set aside time in your prayer life to intercede for India with us! Not only are you part of a…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Jesus Answers Kalifa’s Prayers

Life was neither pleasant nor easy for Kalifa. She and her husband, Ghayoor, both grew up in poor families where education was not a priority. They could only work unskilled…

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Adult Literacy Classes

The Unspoken Truths about Gender Discrimination

When you think of nations where gender-based discrimination is at an extreme, a lot of nations probably come to mind ahead of India. But sadly, women in India are suffering…

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