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Adult Literacy Classes

Ranjani’s Dream Come True

Ranjani grew up poor, and although she dreamed of becoming a nurse, she never had the opportunity to go to school. Instead, she stayed home and did chores. Then, she…

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The Difference Maker Devotional

When Mentorship Creates a Ripple Effect

Who's someone that made a positive impact on you as a child? Was it the teacher who believed you could achieve your dreams? The coach who taught you to never…

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The Difference Maker Devotional

Finding Gratitude in Hardship

Do you remember when you first became a Christian? You likely felt excited and joyful, wanting to tell everyone about how Jesus changed your life. The same is true for…

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Adult Literacy Classes

From Financial Hardship to a Thriving Business

As a young child, Hiranmayi’s parents relied heavily on her to provide money to quench their alcohol addiction. And as time went on, she took on the responsibility of caring…

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