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Church Planter Training

Taulik: Freed from Disease and Addiction!

Taulik’s village practiced many superstitions, rituals, and customs as they worshipped many gods and nature. In Taulik’s tribe, alcoholism was a big problem, as was tobacco. The boys started drinking,…

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Church Planter Training

Baran Found Hope in a Valley of Despair

Baran and Kawthar lived a beautiful and simple life in their small village in eastern India. They both worked hard, and they acted wisely, living frugally and saving money for…

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Church Planter Training

Taalia Finds Jesus and Eternal Life!

Taalia is married and has a son and daughter who are both studying in primary school. Her husband works in the fields along with most other people of her village,…

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Church Planter Training

Madia Receives True Healing

Madia lived an ordinary yet happy life as a young wife and mother of three. She woke early each morning to perform rituals at the temples of her gods before…

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