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From Our Staff

March 2022 India Intercessor

Dear Friends, One of my favorite things about Children’s Bible Clubs is the fact that boys and girls become deeply rooted in Scripture. I remember visiting some of our Bible…

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The Difference Maker Devotional

Is Prayer Worth Your Time?

Last time we talked, we dug into 3 steps for improving your prayer life: 1) Identify what’s holding you back, 2) Pray about it, and 3) Reflect on what God’s…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Adult Literacy Partner Threatened

Manhan is a pastor in southern India, holding church services and ministering to his community. He also is a leader within our Adult Literacy program, working with teachers to share…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Young Girl’s Faith Challenged by Neighbors

Sujani and her family live in a small village where locals are considered “untouchables,” meaning they are lower than the lowest in India’s caste system. Sujani’s parents were suppressed by…

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