

Stories & News

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Rajinder Becomes Disciplined and Respectful

Rajinder is currently studying in the sixth grade. Despite being raised in a well-educated family, Rajinder was a mischievous, disobedient child, especially in school. His father works as a businessman…

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Church Planter Training

A Path to Salvation

Tivaan had a poor view of other religions—not just Christianity, but any that defied the laws and customs of his cultural faith. Tivaan's devotion to his gods and goddesses was…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Ishmika Thrives After Help with Schoolwork

Ishmika is a bright and bubbly young girl, currently studying in the 3rd grade. She is the only daughter of hardworking parents who love her curiosity and enthusiasm for life.…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Surprem’s Love for Learning Rekindled

10-year-old Surprem’s parents worked tirelessly to provide for the family. But, this often left Surprem and his brother unsupervised. Surprem was influenced by his friends, neglecting his studies and taking…

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