

Support India’s Flood Victims

Recently, India experienced unusually severe flooding that led to massive landslides, claiming hundreds of lives and destroying communities. Will you support affected families by meeting their basic needs?

Flood Update from
Mission India

President & CEO Todd VanEk shares an update on behalf of our ministry partners. Watch to learn more about the flooding devastation, and then join us in providing relief to those impacted.

Flooding Fast Facts

Unusually heavy rainfall led to flooding and massive landslides recently in India. Some of the most extreme devastation occurred on July 30, when a landslide hit in the middle of the night while locals were asleep. Bridges collapsed, roads were swept away, and hundreds of families were left stranded as their homes were destroyed. Many remain missing, including children, while hundreds have lost their lives. To complicate the matter, wild animals were displaced and now pose a danger to rescue workers and complicate the recovery process. Through the entirety of this summer’s flooding, tens of thousands of people have been impacted.

A few different states in India were affected by severe flooding this summer, both in the Northeast and South regions of the country. Kerala, one of India’s southernmost states, faced some of the worst damage as heavy rain triggered massive landslides.

All three of Mission India’s programs (Church Planter Training, Adult Literacy Classes, and Children’s Bible Clubs) have been impacted by recent flooding in India. Participants in our programs have lost their homes, crops, and personal belongings. Meanwhile, Children’s Bible Club members in south India specifically request prayer for their parents, who couldn’t get to work while roads were flooded. This has prompted financial difficulties within families that were already struggling.

There are two ways we invite you to partner with us to reach out to India’s flood victims. First, join us in prayer for those who are grieving significant loss and seeking to rebuild. We believe prayer is the first work of missions, and we’d love to pray with you via our Prayer Wall! Click here to visit the Prayer Wall, where you can post your own prayers and also pray alongside others.

In addition to praying, we invite you to give a gift toward our ministry partners’ relief work. For $55, you can help us meet the needs of one family, providing necessities like food, clothing, and medical supplies. During past disasters, we’ve seen God open doors for our ministry partners to share the Gospel while meeting physical needs. Our prayer is that this happens again, allowing relief efforts to minister to families both physically and spiritually! Click here to give a gift toward relief efforts.

Making A Difference Together

Many families in India have lost everything they own due to recent flooding. Hundreds have even lost a loved one. These families are in desperate need—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When you come alongside them by giving a gift toward relief efforts or by praying with us, you help us demonstrate the love of Christ by meeting urgent needs. Will you join us?

Give A Gift

Your gifts will help us meet the basic needs for families, providing items like food, clothes, and medicine. As you demonstrate the love of Christ, you will strengthen families with hope.

Believers all over India are compelled by Christ’s love to reach millions of children with the Gospel.

Share A Prayer

Visit our Prayer Wall to post a prayer for those affected by recent flooding in India. You can also see what others are praying for and let them know you’re joining them in prayer!

Ask a Question

Interested in learning more about the recent flooding in India and its impact on Mission India’s programs? Submit your question here, and a member of our team will connect with you soon.