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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

A Child Shows Her Family the True Path

Jawahir’s mother had lost all hope, feeling ashamed of the life her daughter was building. Jawahir was drifting from her family’s fierce idol worship, and as she tried to seek…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

God’s Grace Made Anasika’s Dream Come True

Anasika was born into a poor family, in an area that lacked opportunities for higher education. This didn’t keep Anasika from dreaming of becoming a nurse—even though her family lacked…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

Discipleship Changed Dilpreet’s Whole Life!

Dilpreet was a third grader who developed a reputation for his negligent attitude toward school. He often showed up late or skipped school altogether, which raised concerns within his family.…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

From Begging to Believing

Deeraj lives in a rural village where people farm to survive. He lives with his recently widowed mother and three siblings. When he was younger, Deeraj would only go to…

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