
Who We Are

Why Mission India?

Thanks for stopping by! We'd love to introduce ourselves. Check out the video below to learn who we are and why we're committed to reaching India with the love of Christ.

Our “Why”

Since 1978, we’ve been equipping local Christians in India to share the Good News of Jesus in their own neighborhoods. Through our ministry partners, churches are being planted that make disciples who go on to make more disciples!

Our Approach

Our three programs were created by Indians, for Indians. 100% of our ministry partners in India are Indian nationals!

While this nation is home to millions of people who have never heard of Jesus, those who do know Him are eager to proclaim the Good News. They can’t wait to share their faith with others, and they’re excited to learn how they can do so effectively. That’s where we come in: Our role is to provide the training, resources, and accountability to help these individuals succeed in ministry.

Church Planters train in groups of 10 over the course of one year.

2 out of every 3 Adult Literacy Classes transition to become churches later on.

3 out of every 5 Year-Long Bible Clubs transition to become a church.

Each Church Planter has a goal of establishing 2 new churches during their year of training.

80% of Adult Literacy students graduate with a 5th-grade level education.

On average, over 1/3 of kids who attend a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club become followers of Jesus.

Give A Gift

God uses every gift you give to grow His Kingdom in India! Choose to designate your gift to a specific program, or give to Mission India as a whole and we’ll use your gift wherever it’s needed most.

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