

See God’s Impact in India

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Ministry Overview

The Necklace

The necklace symbolized what Sarita calls her “enslavement.” Sarita was a devadasi (temple prostitute) in India. Even though she didn’t like her profession, Sarita was afraid to quit … because…

Ministry Overview

The Rag Picker

Raju Joseph picks rags for a living in a garbage dump. It’s filthy, degrading work that only pays about a dollar a day. After a lifetime of being taken advantage…

Church Planter Training

The First Believer

In India, there are thousands of villages where the name of Jesus is still not yet known. In each of these places, from remote jungles to urban slums, transformation is…

Adult Literacy Classes

Open Doors

Life was hopeless. Bhola was timid and shy—and never learned to speak up for himself. He didn’t know how to help his family. But then, Bhola heard that he could…

Children's Bible Clubs

Becoming Rich

If you look across these train tracks in eastern India, you will see the dilapidated homes of forgotten people. And if you look inside one of these homes, you will…