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Adult Literacy Classes

An Exhausted Mom becomes an Entrepreneur

Rajeshree felt trapped in the downward spiral of poverty. She and her husband, Madani, were illiterate members of a low social caste, so they could only get low-paying labor jobs.…

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The Difference Maker Devotional

Who is the Holy Spirit, anyway?

When you were a kid, did you ever picture what God might look like? Maybe you pictured an old, wise man with a beard. Or the long-haired Jesus from a…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Honored, Respected, and Educated

At nearly 50 years old, Kushali had known nothing other than a constant struggle for survival. As a child, she had only attended school for a few years before poverty…

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Adult Literacy Classes

Healing in Body, Mind, and Spirit

When Ramini started attending Adult Literacy Classes, she was looking for a small reprieve and distraction from the daily migraines she suffered. What she didn’t expect was to receive healing…

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