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Church Planter Training

From Mourning to Dancing

Leela and her two children lived in dark despair for years with an abusive husband and father. Despite her efforts to keep her family united, Leela was eventually forced out…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

One Bible Club, Three Generations Changed!

Maali couldn’t wait to attend her Bible Club every day. She loved participating in all the fun activities with the other kids, from playing games to singing songs to working…

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Legacy Stories

Their legacy? Generational impact — at home and in India

Ben and Jen have been faithful partners of Mission India since the 1990s, but their hearts for generosity started even before that. Growing up, Ben’s family excelled at giving generously…

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Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs

A Child Shows Her Family the True Path

Jawahir’s mother had lost all hope, feeling ashamed of the life her daughter was building. Jawahir was drifting from her family’s fierce idol worship, and as she tried to seek…

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