Suffering Ends with Jesus

Jyena was raised in a family that was devoted to worshipping the gods of their culture. Each morning they prayed to various deities through the many idols and portraits in their home, taking time to try to please each god equally.
Jyena is married and the couple has two children. She and her husband own a small market and sell meals they prepare along the roadside. Unfortunately, the money they make from their food cart is hardly enough to live on and provide for even the family’s basic needs.
Amidst their daily struggles, Jyena became very sick, suffering from severe back pain. Eventually, she was bedridden, unable to walk or stand. The pain went on for days. Jyena had faith in her gods to provide for her, so she didn’t go to the hospital or seek the help of doctors. The family simply kept praying to their gods for healing.
After much time with no relief, Jyena was very distraught and disappointed; and yet, she continued her prayers faithfully. Eventually, Jyena’s neighbor introduced her to Church Planter Naadir. Naadir spent time with Jyena and got to know her situation. He prayed for Jyena’s health and suggested she consult with a doctor.
When Jyena’s husband heard about this, he refused to listen and told Naadir never to visit them again. He feared the anger of his gods if they continued to pray to Jesus.
Naadir gave it a few days and returned to visit again. Seeing Jyena’s condition, he urged the couple to take her to a hospital. Jyena was surprised by Naadir’s concern for her health and how he cared about her family. Finally, she decided to see the doctor and discovered she had a fractured backbone.
Jyena was treated and given medication. Naadir encouraged her and her husband not to worry and comforted them with verses from the Bible. He continued to visit frequently for several months, always praying to God for Jyena’s healing and full recovery.
In time, Jyena noticed her health begin to improve. Even though she was taking medicine, she believed her healing was due to Naadir’s prayers. Gradually, she started believing in Jesus and thanked Naadir for his kindness.
Naadir shared stories of Jesus with Jyena and her family, and told them of His miraculous healing powers. The family learned to pray to Jesus and began to seek the one, true God. They stopped worshipping their idols, and have started experiencing other positive changes in their home. After her recovery, Jyena’s husband stopped drinking and their daughters joined them in prayer.
Gradually, Jyena started walking again and the people in their village were amazed to see her getting around like normal. She is happy and healthy now, but has not fully committed her life to serving Jesus. We praise God for healing Jyena! Please join us in praying for the salvation of her and her family.